Стопанска и индустриска комора на Родопите – Комотини, ГРЦИЈА / Εμπορικό & Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Ροδόπης – Κομοτηνή, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ
Project Location:
Eastern Region: Municipalities of Štip, Kočani, Delčevo, Pehčevo, Berovo, Probištip, Karbinci, Češinovo-Obleševo, Zrnovci, Vinica and Makedonska Kamenica.
Project Duration:
19 months: from 14.12.2015 to 14.07.2017.
Overall Objective:
Integration of ethnic minority women in the labor market.
Specific Objectives:
- To conduct vocational trainings;
- To conduct individualized counseling;
- To create conditions for sustainable employment.
Target Group / Beneficiaries:
Target groups:
- Ethnic minority women (Albanian, Serbian, Roma, Turkish, other) of working age.
Final beneficiaries:
- Women from ethnic minorities;
- Business sector;
- National and local state institutions (Еmployment Agency and the Social Work Centres).
- A limited in scope study;
- Establishing selection criteria for the women;
- Skills and qualifications assessment;
- Information days;
- Training of trainers;
- Theoretical and practical training of the final beneficiaries;
- Awareness, communication and exploitation of results.
Lead Organization:
Фондација за развој на локалната заедница – Штип
Partner Organization:
Агенција за економски развој Костинброд – Костинброд, БУГАРИЈА / Агенция за икономическо развитие Kостинброд – Костинброд, БЪЛГАРИЯ
Текстилно трговско здружение „Текстилен кластер“ – Штип
Contact Details: