Our project is specifically designed to provide Technical Assistance to the grant recipients awarded under the Call for Proposal “Fostering Social Inclusion” – EuropeAid/135012/M/ACT/MK. This includes:
The Technical Assistance will be provided in 3 forms:
More information about our Project objectives and activities is available in About Us.
A brief overview of all 26 Grant Projects and contact details for their implementing organizations is available in Grantees.
Detailed information about our trainings, seminars and visits will be published in Events, as they happen. There you will also find the links to the corresponding Facebook albums of photographs taken during these events.
All materials presented, discussed and exercised during our events will be posted in Resources. Please be informed that these resources will be free to download for all visitors of our Website, but for record-keeping purposes you will be asked to enter a valid email address first.
However, the access to the Forum will be restricted only to the staff of the 26 Grant Projects, as here we will discuss only specific issues arising from the on-going implementation processes.