topics that were covered in the
2nd day of the Interim Reporting Project Phase Training include:
- Visibility Guidelines and Communication Strategy: the EU Communication and Visibility Manual, general and specific rules for reporting, promotion materials (folders, notebooks, pens, panels, banners, T-shirts, caps, etc.), publications (web pages, press releases, leaflets, brochures, etc.); developing a strategic communication plan: purpose and definition of key stakeholders & audiences; key messages; communication tools: types and content; communication management; event management.
- Stakeholder Analysis: why do a stakeholder analysis; stakeholder matrix analysis; assessment of influence and importance: understanding of power; stakeholder database; key questions in stakeholder analysis; identifying the interest and the level of involvement of each stakeholder; stakeholder participation matrix.
- Secondary Procurement: general procurement considerations for EU grants; value for money vs. cost-effectiveness; what constitutes a competitive tendering; Annex IV; secondary procurement plan; secondary procurement contracts; tendering procedures and tools: competitive negotiated procedure, single tender procedure, provision of invoice (with market price research); preparation of tender documents; eligible vs. non-eligible costs; transparency and ex-ante publicity; conflict of interest; apportionment rule; reallocation, notification, addendum.
The participants have also done practical exercises in:
- Communication and Visibility Key Messages: how to design a draft Communication and Visibility Plan for a specific Grant Project; how to define the specific types(s) of communication to be used, and the corresponding medium, frequency, audience, owner, deliverable and format; how to set the main objectives of the communication plan; how to define the key messages and the main communication tools for the project.
- Stakeholder Analysis: how to identify important stakeholders for a specific Grant Project: assess their power, influence, interest; how to determine appropriate project response to each stakeholder; plan the stakeholders’ participation (when and how); how to identify the risks arising from stakeholder (lack of) participation; how to develop a strategy for stakeholder participation and commitment.
- Completed Procurement Templates: examples from catering, venue rental, and other services; documentation chart for a single tendering procedure, competitive negotiated procedure, secondary procurement contract modification.
- Negotiated Procedure Examples: how to complete a Comparative Table for a specific procurement case.
The theoretical input was delivered at plenary sessions, with the help of Power Point presentations, whereas the exercises were implemented in 4 small working groups, with the help of hand-outs and flip-chart presentations.
The training was delivered by our Team Leader and Senior Expert, Ms Maria Marinakou, with the relevant input by our Expert for EU Grants, Ms Andreja Tonč, and the support from our Assistant Team Leader, Mr Radomir Trajković.
The training was delivered to 4 training groups on 18th, 19th, 21st and 22nd of April 2016, in the Porta Hotel in Skopje.